Drop into your sensations….

I invite you to experience a deeply relaxing and nourishing journey, allowing a complete reset of body and mind. Welcome a slow, flowing, full body therapeutic massage that gradually, seamlessly moves towards the more sensual and erotic.

The whole experience is about awakening, opening, and connecting with your sensual and sexual energy – working with the yoni and the pleasure centers of the body to spread pleasure, power, healing, creativity, and love throughout your full body and being. Holding space to align with the deepest vibrations of your spirit. This is a wonderful way to experience pleasure without shame, expectation, or judgement.

 These sessions also explore the use of deep breathing and intention/visualization, and can be a profound meditation in one's healing journey.

Reconnect with your body, and enjoy the full spectrum of loving, therapeutic touch.

I am a 38 year old cis male originally from the California coast. I am an advanced yoga teacher and practitioner of eastern medicine. I am student of life, a wonderer and wanderer, a musician, friend, lover, partner, laugher, and seeker of knowledge, pleasure, and intrigue. My massage style is a seamless blend of therapeutic, tantric, yoni, and Taoist massage that incorporates the full physical and energetic body. I work with my deep knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology, as well as the energy systems of the body (chakras, meridians, nadis) to create a holistic experience of connection and integration.

I’ve worked with hundreds of women and non-binary people to help to create immense pleasure, release stored pain, and move towards a deeper alignment with self, sex, and spirit.

Sessions are generally 1.5—2 hours


Check out the podcast interview below for more insight…

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